
Ductless For Your Older Home

Introducing a Better Way to Heat and Cool Your Older Home

Today you have options to heat and cool your older or historic home. Ductless Heating and Ductless Cooling provide a modern way to keep you comfortable all year long. Ductless Heat Pump help homeowners save money, save energy and increase their home comfort. Ductless Systems offer some of the highest energy efficiencies, many are ENERGY STAR rated and may qualify for rebates and incentives. 

Ductless Heat Pump Owners Have the Highest Level of Satisfaction. Many homeowners simply didn't know it could be so good. Some report being thrilled to save as much as 50% in their utility bills. Others enjoy the increased level of comfort - they no longer have to hear their HVAC system 'kick on' or 'kick off'.  Many more love the modern features like remote control, the intelligent eye and the flexibility to design a system to meet their needs. And still more appreciate the improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).  

No Ductwork?  No Problem!  We know that many Duluth neighborhoods have homes without ductwork. Today these homes can turn to a Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump which can be added to most homes. When you choose ductless you get 2-in-1 functionality because the system can both heat and cool. 

Resolve Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home. Almost every home has an area of the house that just isn't comfortable..it's either annoyingly hot or cold and therefore doesn't get used. Many older homes have insufficient ducting or not duct work a tall. Ductless is the perfect solution to regain any abandoned area of your home. 

Add Air Conditioning.  Adding AC to your old home doesn't have to be difficult or expensive, it can be as simple as adding a Ductless Mini Split to your home. Today you don't have to have duct work to stay cool. Ductless AC does not require duct work making it a popular choice for any home wanting more comfort this summer. It's the perfect choice for one room, one area or the whole house. 

There's never been a better change to 'Go Ductless' in Duluth. Let a trained expert evaluate your home and provide a FREE consultation to find out if ductless is right for you.